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Remove "Manufacturer" from Breadcrumbs - PS 1.6


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I'm trying to modify the breadcrumbs that show up after filtering products by manufacturer (with the checkboxes).


The default theme uses breadcrumbs like:


Category > Manufacturer ManufacturerName


In other words it says "Manufacturer" then outputs the actual Manufacturer's Name.


I'm trying to remove the word "Manufacturer" from the breadcrumb. Is this possible?


I've tried str_replace on a number of variables in various template files, I've tried to override the Tools.php controller, and even in the categories.js file without any success.


When I checkmark the Manufacturer (as a product filter) while inspecting in Chrome, PS runs an Ajax call to "modules/blocklayered/blocklayered-ajax.php" but I'm lost where to go after that point to modify the output.


I've also tried modifying breadcrumbs.tpl with: $path|replace:'Manufacturer ':''|replace:'MANUFACTURER ':''



Where is this getting generated? Or how can I modify the breadcrumbs?


Thank you for any assistance.

Edited by bitwiz (see edit history)
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Found it:




Changed this:

if (result.heading != '')
     $('h1.page-heading .cat-name').html(result.heading);

To this:

if (result.heading != ''){
	var str = result.heading;
	var res = str.replace('Manufacturer ', '');
	$('h1.page-heading .cat-name').html(res);
Edited by bitwiz (see edit history)
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