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Auto complete city by xip code


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I try to make the city autocomplete, when zip code is written!


Until now the code is working for one country, but I want the code to work in 9 countries.


This code works with danish. But if I choose an other country than Denmark, eg. Norway var country = 'DK'; should be var country = 'NO'; and so on. So before run this script, the selected country should be checked, so the script choose the right country.


Also if($(this).val().length == 4){ will change depending on how many caracters the zip code include. Maybe this should just be if($(this).val().length <= 6){ ?


Anyone who can tell me what I need to add the make this work? :-)


full code is below:


//when the user clicks off of the zip field:
  if($(this).val().length == 4){
  var postcode = $(this).val();
  var city = '';
  var state = '';
  var country = 'DK';
  //make a request to the google geocode api

    //find the city and state
    var address_components = response.results[0].address_components;

    $.each(address_components, function(index, component){
      var types = component.types;
      $.each(types, function(index, type){

        if(type == 'locality') {
          city = component.long_name;
        if(type == 'locality') {
          state = component.short_name;
    //pre-fill the city and state
    var cities = response.results[0].postcode_localities;
    if(cities) {
      //turn city into a dropdown if necessary
      var $select = $(document.createElement('select'));
      $.each(cities, function(index, locality){
        var $option = $(document.createElement('option'));
        if(city == locality) {
    } else {

Best regards

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