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Time to First Byte 50 seconds PS 1.6


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Hey guys.


I haven't been able to find a solution to this yet so i hope someone can assist. 


My website takes 50s to load and i have no idea what.


Every single article on PS speed talks about optimizing CCC and caching. I've done all that but it has had absolutely no effect on the page load times.


The website is located under another website, and that website loads up lightning fast, so i dont understand where the problem is.


The site url is http://physioww.co.za/cat/


Thanks in advance for the help.

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Disable all modules (all of the front office ones, I take it as the bo loads normally) and see if it loads under a reasonable time. If not, it's the hosting. Also disable all overrides from performance options, and enable debug profiling in defines.inc.php

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Disable all modules (all of the front office ones, I take it as the bo loads normally) and see if it loads under a reasonable time. If not, it's the hosting. Also disable all overrides from performance options, and enable debug profiling in defines.inc.php


With all modules disabled the site still takes around 16s to load.
When Debug mode is enabled i get this:
 Load time16978 ms
You'd better run your shop on a toaster
Execution Load time (ms) config 3516 constructor 0 init 2112 checkAccess 0 setMedia 174 postProcess 0 initHeader 0 initContent 11138 initFooter 0 display 37
Hook processing0 ms / - Mb

0 methods called in 0 modules

Hook Processing moduleRoutes - Mb in 0 ms actionFrontControllerSetMedia - Mb in 0 ms displayTopColumn - Mb in 0 ms displayProductDeliveryTime - Mb in 0 ms displayBanner - Mb in 0 ms actionDispatcher - Mb in 0 ms actionProductListOverride - Mb in 0 ms displayFooter - Mb in 0 ms displayProductListFunctionalButtons - Mb in 0 ms actionProductListModifier - Mb in 0 ms displayNav - Mb in 0 ms displayProductListReviews - Mb in 0 ms displayProductPriceBlock - Mb in 0 ms displayHeader - Mb in 0 ms DisplayOverrideTemplate - Mb in 0 ms displayTop - Mb in 0 ms displayLeftColumn - Mb in 0 ms
Memory peak usage11.0 Mb
Execution Memory (Mb) Total (Mb) config 5.95 6.0 constructor - 6.0 init 2.31 8.3 checkAccess - 8.3 setMedia 0.20 8.5 postProcess - 8.5 initHeader - 8.5 initContent 1.67 10.2 initFooter - 10.2 display 0.73 11.0
Total cache size in Cache class- Mb
Smarty cacheenabled
Smarty compilationauto
SQL Queries96 queries in 15896 ms
Included files: 99 (2.51 Mb)
Global vars : 0.19 Mb
  • $_LANG ≈ 129k
  • $context ≈ 54k
  • $_ENV ≈ 7k
  • $_SERVER ≈ 7k
Edited by Dimsa (see edit history)
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The site seems to load faster now, which sql query is taking so long exactly? It should be mentioned below that content you screened


I enabled only the essential modules and activated Caching on File System. The website loading speed has gone from 50s to 10s. However i feel that this is still a bit slow.


This is what the first two SQL queries show:


SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.`name`, cl.`id_lang`, IF(cl.`id_lang` IS NULL, c.`value`, cl.`value`) AS value, c.id_shop_group, c.id_shop

FROM `ps_configuration` c

LEFT JOIN `ps_configuration_lang` cl ON (c.`id_configuration` = cl.`id_configuration`) 429.8 666     in /usr/www/users/physidxmjz/cat/classes/Configuration.php:134

from /classes/Configuration.php:170

from /classes/Configuration.php:226

from /classes/shop/Shop.php:368

from /config/config.inc.php:100

from /index.php:27

SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id_hook`, `name`

FROM `ps_hook`


SELECT `id_hook`, ha.`alias` as name

FROM `ps_hook_alias` ha

INNER JOIN `ps_hook` h ON ha.name = h.name 216.2 0

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