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{solved - kind of} Order page blank in Back Office

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Hi All,

I'm new to PrestaShop but I'm gradually finding my feet with it and I really like what I've seen so far. For the last couple of weeks I have been playing around with various modules and test orders. I ran a SQL query to truncate the customer, orders and cart tables that I found in another post, and now I have a problem with placing new orders.

When a customer places an order it would appear to go through properly regardless of payment module being used (I’ve tested On Pickup, Cheque etc...). Emails are generated and sent to customer and store owner but the Back Office orders page is blank. I can locate the orders under the customers page but when I click on view order, it takes me to a blank Orders tab.

I will do a clean install if I have to but I would prefer not to as I have setup quite a few categories now plus other customisations. I have searched for previous posts relating to this and it would appear others have experienced the issue but there is no clear resolution.



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