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Buyer couldn't complete the payment at "order history"

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I use the prestashop Version as my online store, and my payment module is Paul C's PayPal v2.0.

I am so confused about the buyer's "order history", cause the buyers could only complete the payment by following the cart's check out.

If they follow the check out steps, and made the order but not complete the payment, the order status will be "Awaiting Paypal Payment", and the purchases in the cart will be empty. When they view the order in "order history", there is no way to complete the payment, no paypal button!

Have this problem been solved in the version or ?

Thanks in advance.


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First, you will need go to your Paypal account to confirm that payment status.
Maybe because your customer paid by something like eMoney, in that case, Paypal will not give payment "Completed" status. It will some time for paypal to collect the money.

If it is really not paid, then you will need to contact your customer and ask if he/she still wants this order.
If customer still wants the order, you can ask him/her to pay to your Paypal account directly(if you are trusted).
Or ask customer to re-do the order.

I know it is not a good idea, but that's only way I can think at this moment. Just for you reference.

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