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Specific Price Rule Keeps Disappearing

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We recently installed a Prestashop template, but when we set a new "Specific Price" rule in the Pricing tab (eg: 8% discount for X period) - the Special Price appears for a short time, and then it just disappears.


We contacted Template Monster, and they suggested upgrading to Prestashop - which we have just completed. But still the problem remains - Special Prices keep disappearing after a short time. We can't make it stick.


This is driving us crazy, and just wondering if anyone has any experience of this, and how to fix?


Many thanks in advance for any advice  :)


PS: this is the template: http://www.templatemonster.com/demo/50670.html

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What do you mean by "Short time"?

Lets say you set for 10days. Does it show 2 days and then it's gone? Or does it show for 10s and then it's gone?

In the first case there is a problem with you PrestaShop. 

In the second case it can be a problem with theme or some third party module. 


Thanks for your reply.


By a short time, I really mean a few minutes.


Say I'm trying to set up 10 products with an 10% discount - I start to add a special price to one or two, and it shows in CMS and front end, no problem. Then I continue setting a Special Price for a couple more products, and then suddenly after those additions, the first few I'd set up disappear.


So, the disappearance of a Special Price on a product seems to be triggered by adding a "Special Price" to other products. I have tried adding special prices to many different products in the catalogue, and get same problem with all, so I don't think it's related to a particular product(s) in the catalogue.

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Ok, for the benefit of anyone who has a similar problem, we seem to have solved this issue by doing the following;


1) Disabling some un-used modules - eg: Customer loyalty and rewards, Link block, Product supplier order


2) Clearing PS cache and hosting server cache


Still no idea what caused it, but this seems to have done the trick.  :)

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