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Catalog without Cart or Checkout


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I have several applications for an online catalog that does NOT offer the actual purchase online.  Typically eCommerce systems provide much of the needed structure for my needs; easily add items with description/images/price, search available products, setup by catagory, etc  The environments would include; real estate, car lot and a couple of retailers that don't want to sell online but showcase the products to bring customers into the store.


I don't want to see the buttons for check out or to add to cart.  I did find another application I am looking at that has a check box to use as catalog.


Can someone save me the time of actually installing and testing and let me know if this is a reasonable simple thing to use PrestaShop to do?





Edited by onlye (see edit history)
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You have to turn on the prestashop "catalog mode"

  1. Login to your backoffice
  2. Hover to " Preferences " and click on "Products" 
  3. The first option you see is catalog mode, turn this to yes.
  4. Now all the checkout and add to cart options will be disabled.

Kind regards,





Thanks for the reply.  That seems easy.  I installed PrestaShop, found your reference in the backoffice, made the change and am playing around with it now to see how well I can adapt.


Again, thanks for your help



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