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500 Server Error X Mercado Pago 3.3.6

Guest Vega Networks

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Guest Vega Networks

Minha versão do Prestashop é e eu estava utilizando o modulo do Mercado Pago na versão 3.2.2, e estava normal, após eu remover ele e instalar a versão 3.3.6 e coloca-lo em funcionamento, minha loja quando vai para sessão de pagamento (/order) recebo erro 500... alguém sabe o que pode estar ocorrendo???




My version of PrestaShop is and I was using the Paid Market module in version 3.2.2 , and was normal after I remove it and install the 3.3.6 version and puts it into operation , my shop when going to payment session ( / order ) I get error 500 ... does anyone know what might be happening ???


Edited by vegabusiness (see edit history)
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Guest Vega Networks

Edit config/defines.inc.php and change the value of _PS_DEV_MODE_ from false to true and you should get a more specific error message that should help you to debug the issue. You can also try contacting the developer of the module for support.


Hi Rocky, thank you for me to answer ...
below is the error information to appear in the part where I get the error 500 ( noting that this only happens when I click to go to the final payment )
It was all normal, it worked without any problem the store payments, but an hour for another stop ,after presenting the first problem , I changed the module on the other , and the problem persists , I changed the payment module of another company, and the problem also persists , one thing that I find important to mention is that when trying to make the payment with the module native prestashop for bank transfer the problem does not happen.Another thing , the same day that detected the problem , I did the integration of PrestaShop to our ERP , and the integration was done via webservice , I'm mentioning it because it was the only thing I did differently in PrestaShop before detecting the problem. ..


I await your help, and if you need any other information , just ask me , hug,have a great weekend...

(Oi Rocky, muito obrigado por me responder...

segue abaixo as informações de erro que aparecem na parte onde recebo o erro 500 (lembrando que isso só ocorre quando clico para ir ao pagamento definitivo)
Estava tudo normal, funcionava sem nenhum problema os pagamentos da loja, mas de uma hora pra outra parou, depois que apresentou o primeiro problema, troquei o modulo por outro, e o problema persiste, troquei pelo modulo de pagamento de outra empresa, e o problema também persiste, uma coisa que acho importante mencionar, é que ao tentar efetuar o pagamento com o modulo nativo do prestashop para transferência bancaria o problema não acontece.
Outra coisa, no mesmo dia que detectei o problema, eu fiz a integração do Prestashop ao nosso ERP, e a integração foi feita via Webservice, estou mencionando isso pois isso foi a única coisa que fiz de diferente no Prestashop antes de detectar o problema...
Aguardo sua ajuda, e caso precise de qualquer outra informação, é só me solicitar, abraço, tenha um ótimo final de semana...)
Below error message appears after you turn the mode "DEV":

Notice: Use of undefined constant _PS_CLOUDFLARE_SSL - assumed '_PS_CLOUDFLARE_SSL' in /home/vegaprintcom/public_html/classes/Tools.php on line 411


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vegaprintcom/public_html/classes/Tools.php:411) in/home/vegaprintcom/public_html/classes/controller/FrontController.php on line 1000


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vegaprintcom/public_html/classes/Tools.php:411) in/home/vegaprintcom/public_html/classes/controller/FrontController.php on line 1001


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vegaprintcom/public_html/classes/Tools.php:411) in/home/vegaprintcom/public_html/classes/exception/PrestaShopException.php on line 37


Property Customer->document is empty

at line 909 in file classes/ObjectModel.php

904. }


906. $message = $this->validateField($field, $this->$field);

907. if ($message !== true) {

908. if ($die) {

909. throw new PrestaShopException($message);

910. }

911. return $error_return ? $message : false;

912. }

913. }


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My guess is that you disabled a module, but its overrides are continuing to run. The default Customer class doesn't have a document field, so a module must have added it. I suggest that you look for override/classes/Customer.php, maybe try renaming it so it doesn't run anymore. It's probably best to check all your overrides and rename any that belong to a module you are no longer using.

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Guest Vega Networks


My guess is that you disabled a module, but its overrides are continuing to run. The default Customer class doesn't have a document field, so a module must have added it. I suggest that you look for override/classes/Customer.php, maybe try renaming it so it doesn't run anymore. It's probably best to check all your overrides and rename any that belong to a module you are no longer using.


Hello Rocky, I renamed the file as you suggested me , and it worked, the store went out of the 500 error and could make the regular payment.
Important information : In Custumers.php file only had information about a module that use to add the CPF field ( unique identification number here in Brazil ) the registration form from the store,even now I disabled it too , I'll send down what is within my Custumers.php file ... can take a quick look and tell me if you see something unusual in him, I wanted to understand the problem , because I need these fields on my form you see?
Thank you in advance !
File content Custumer.php:
class Customer extends CustomerCore
    * module: cpfuser
    * date: 2016-09-01 21:25:45
    * version: 1.6
    public $document;
    * module: cpfuser
    * date: 2016-09-01 21:25:45
    * version: 1.6
    public $rg_ie;
    * module: cpfuser
    * date: 2016-09-01 21:25:45
    * version: 1.6
    public $doc_type;
    * module: cpfuser
    * date: 2016-09-01 21:25:45
    * version: 1.6
    public function __construct($id = null, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null) {
        $definition = self::$definition;
        $definition['fields']['document']   = array('type' => ObjectModelCore::TYPE_STRING, 'required' => true);
        $definition['fields']['rg_ie']      = array('type' => ObjectModelCore::TYPE_STRING);
        $definition['fields']['doc_type']   = array('type' => ObjectModelCore::TYPE_INT, 'required' => true);
        self::$definition = $definition;
        parent::__construct($id, $id_lang, $id_shop);
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Guest Vega Networks


É o mesmo que venho tentando instalar.


Eu tento apagar o antigo e na verdade não está sumindo, ainda continua pra instalar.

Mas baixei e instalei essa nova versão e ainda continua a instalar a versão 3.0.8.


Tem alguma ideia de que eu poderia fazer?

Adriano, não tem problema deixar o 3.0.8 ai como está (sem estar instalado), pode subir, instalar e configurar o 3.3.6 que não gera conflito nenhum (pelo menos pra mim enquanto estava usando ele era normal, mas migrei para outro meio de pagamento online (Gerencianet) que sinceramente tem se mostrado bem melhor em todos os aspectos. Mas sobre o Mercado Pago, baseado na minha experiencia é isso, lembre-se não pode deixar de forma alguma os dois (3.0.8 e o 3.3.6) instalados ao mesmo tempo que terá problemas, mas ele aparecer ali na lista não tem problema, ele é oficial da comunidade e aparece ali mesmo (tipo faz parte do core ou algo assim saca).


Boa sorte, abraço!

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