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Employees assigned to Specific Product Categories


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Hello everyone,


I was wondering if i can assign employees to specifict product categories?



When an employee is creating an order for a customer, I want that employee to ONLY search for products in a specific category that the employee has access to.


I was able to create customers assigned to specific product categories but i cannot seem to assign employees to specific product categories. 


For example right now, if a customer is assigned to product category "tshirts" that customer only sees tshirts, but if an employee tries to create an order for that customer they see "tshirts" "pants" "jeans" etc... i want them to only see the customers assigned category.


is this possible to do with prestashop?



What i tried doing is adding a column in ps_employee called id_default_group and assigned the appropriote group id that i want the user to access.  But i am sure i need some php code so that the employee can only search products in that group while create an order for that customer.





Alternatively, in the employee portal - Orders - add new order - the "Search for Products" bar should search for products only related to the previously specified customer and NOT for all products.  It makes no sense for it to search for all products when that customer has no access to those products.


Thank you

Edited by televi (see edit history)
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