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store information footer : text align


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i tried to have all lignes of address aligned in the footer store information. As read in the forum, i have changed the blockcontactinfos.tpl

in fact i replaced the original

<i class="icon-map-marker"></i><span>{l s='Address:' mod='blockcontactinfos'} </span>


<span style="margin-left:28px;"> {$blockcontactinfos_address|nl2br} </span>

hoping that the icon would be removed, the text shown on several lignes and aligned under the company name.


In fact,the block is not visible anymore (i also tried with padding-left, but it is the same)

if i remove the span, then I can see the address on several lines but it is not exactly under the company name.


Can you help me solve this

if you want to look at the site (in construction, i started yesterday ....)


thanks in advance

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