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Product Pricing broken

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The problem is (GODSIHOPE) really simple.

Usually, when I go to edit a price, there is a box for pre-tax and post tax, where I can put the price in and I can see both the untaxed and taxed prices.

That has vanished, and when I put prices in all I can do is put the final price in.

I have included a capture of what my screen looks like at the moment in the pricing area, and I know it's missing fields, but I have NO IDEA what happened or how to fix it.  It happened once before but fixed itself.

ANY assistance would be greatly appreciated.


(and if you need a clearer picture I can provide one.)

It has also altered the prices of everything in the normal store as well.


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I Have the same problem


Prestashop by itself changed the country from Australia to United states and it changed all the display tax prices in all the groups.


My shop had all prices displayed with tax now all of a sudden it started displaying prices with out tax.


when I go into groups and change the display price with tax for Visters, Guest and Customers prices change back to display with tax but then all of a sudden prices change back to display with out tax.


No matter what i do the prcies keep changing from display with tax to display with out tax.


scybermonk I think you problem is because your prices are displayed with out tax, that is why you are missing the box.


please check and see if you are having the same problem as me



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Sadly, that did not work, but I did notice that my groups had been changed to tax exclusion on showing it too.

After fixing that, the shop looks fine, but I STILL cannot add or edit a product price as I did before, by putting the retail price in and having it calculate the tax excluded price too.

I can still do it on Combinations, just not...in that window that I attached to my OP.

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That is strange when you have changed the price back to display with tax it should have brought back the retail price with tax in product prices page.


I had the same problem as you but once I changed the display price with tax in groups it brought back the retail price with tax in the product page.


Prestashop is doing very strange thing today, it changed the default country on its own and it also changed the display price with tax in groups.


don't know how that happened but it did it all by itself.



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VICTORY!  And it's thanks to you, Systemax.

I had to change the default country BACK to what it was, AS WELL as changing the Display Tax from Disabled to Enabled.

NO IDEA why it changed, I suspect my databases are a bit of a pain.

After changing my Default Country back to  what it was originally (Australia) and changing the default pricing tax thingy back to Display, it worked.  Interestingly, I had created a personal user group, and that one had NOT changed back.

So yeah.  Go you, man!  Thanks!

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