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[solved] rel="nofollow" not allowed to use in prestashop help pls


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Hi everyone


Does anyone of you know how to place a link in product description that includes rel and target?

Everytime i place a link in the description and save prestashop removes the rel the whole time?


I dont want to be kicked by search engines for this

I need the rel and new window in my links



Edited by DGRL (see edit history)
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as far as i see now only REL="nofollow" is not allowed in prestashop for some weird reason.

Does anyone of you know how to modify the core of this program in order to let prestashop ACCEPT the REL part in a url?

And why does prestahop not allow me to NOT FOLLOW a url?

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Paste this line in your themes header.tpl
Paste it before end head


 <script type="text/javascript">

jQuery(document).ready(function () {

jQuery('a[href*=http://]:not([href*=http://Yourdomain.com])').attr('rel', 'nofollow');

jQuery('a[href*=http://]:not([href*=http://Yourdomain.com])').attr("target", "_blank");

jQuery('a[href*=https://]:not([href*=http://Yourdomain.com])').attr('rel', 'nofollow');

jQuery('a[href*=https://]:not([href*=http://Yourdomain.com])').attr("target", "_blank");




Edited by DGRL (see edit history)
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