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Default theme bug? How can I make the different menu thumbnails for each language?

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Hi! I make the 3 language shop. I made different pictures with a couple words within as menu thumbnails for each language. But every time the new uploaded menu thumbnails overwrites the menu thumbnails for another languages. Is it a bug or is it so meaned? How can I make the different menu thumbnails for each language for default prestashop theme? I would be grateful for any help.post-1295852-0-67153300-1473013848_thumb.jpgpost-1295852-0-05105000-1473013850_thumb.jpg

Edited by Viaceslav (see edit history)
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From what I can see on your screens you are talking not about thumbnails (thumbnail is a picture), because there are none. You are talking about meta-data.


In this case you should add the meta-title to each language direct to the category page. Use there the button for the language - s. screen.



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From what I can see on your screens you are talking not about thumbnails (thumbnail is a picture), because there are none. You are talking about meta-data.


In this case you should add the meta-title to each language direct to the category page. Use there the button for the language - s. screen.




Thank you very much for the answer. I talking about menu thumbnails. I wish this thumbnails for every language with different titels:

„Caviar, Save 10%“ in EN

„Kaviar, Rabatt 10%“ in DE

„Икра, скидка 10%“ in RU

In another case I need competely different pictures for each language at this place.

But every upload for another language overwrite the old thumbnail and finally I have same thumbnail for all languages.


I think the default template not have this possibility?

Has anybody ideas about how can I change the default template scripts for this purpose?



Edited by Viaceslav (see edit history)
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Ah. OK, you meant the images for the category not thumbnails on top of navigation menu.

No there is no possibility to set one per language. It is only one general possible. If bug, or not, I cannot say. I will rather say your suggestion could be an improvement. You can add to forge, if you think it is a must have. http://forge.prestashop.com

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Ah. OK, you meant the images for the category not thumbnails on top of navigation menu.

No there is no possibility to set one per language. It is only one general possible. If bug, or not, I cannot say. I will rather say your suggestion could be an improvement. You can add to forge, if you think it is a must have. http://forge.prestashop.com

Thank you very much. Yes, I shall add to forge this suggestion as an improvement.

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