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Script/module for give to he pictures the same name than the title at all the images


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Assuming you have only one shop with ID 1, you could use the following query:
UPDATE `ps_image_lang` il
SET `legend` = (
​    SELECT `name`
​    FROM `ps_product_lang` pl
​    WHERE il.`id_lang` = pl.`id_lang` AND pl.`id_shop` = 1 AND pl.`id_product` = (
​        SELECT `id_product`
​        FROM `ps_image` i
​        WHERE i.`id_image` = il.`id_image`
​    )

Note that this will overwrite all your existing image titles, so make sure to back up first. A more complicated query will be needed if you have multiple shops.

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You can add the following to the end of the query above to restrict to some product IDs:

WHERE il.`id_image` IN (
​    SELECT `id_image`
​    FROM `ps_image` i
​    WHERE i.`id_product` IN (4, 5, 6)

Change 4, 5, 6 to the IDs of the products you want to update.


Or you can add the following to the end of the query for a range of products:

WHERE il.`id_image` IN (
​    SELECT `id_image`
​    FROM `ps_image` i
​    WHERE i.`id_product` >= 4 AND i.`id_product` <= 6

Change 4 to the lowest product ID you want updated and 6 to the highest product ID.

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