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How to translate payment option warning pop up


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I'm finishing my e-shop and the only thing I can't figure out is a translation of a warning pop up window which says:


"Select a payment option first." Where can I find this sentence? I tried to look for it in various files on FTP, but couldn't find it and the word "Close" as well. Please see the attached picture for better comprehension.


Thanx for any advise.


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The only place I can find that text is modules/advancedeucompliance/advancedeucompliance.php on line 418:

        Media::addJsDef(array('aeuc_no_pay_err_str' => Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($this->l('Select a payment option first.',

ou can translate it through the Localization > Translations tab. Select "Installed module translations", choose your theme and language, click "Modify" and then scroll down to the  advancedeucompliance section.

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Thank you very much "rocky". This text in modules translations is nowhere to find. So I used the direct php file modification as you proposed and it worked! The only issue now remaining is the word "close" in the window, which I have no clue where it can be translated.

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It's hard to find exactly where 'Close' is because it's a generic string that appears many times in PrestaShop. I'm also unsure whether the message box is generated by the browser or by PrestaShop. If it's generated by the browser, you'll need to change your browser or OS language.


If it is generated by PrestaShop, the closest match I can find is on line 39 of admin/themes/default/template/modal.tpl:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">{l s='Close'}</button>

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  • 2 years later...

The problem is, this line is not in your language file. You need to open modules/advancedeucompliance/translations/gb.php copy the line

$_MODULE['<{advancedeucompliance}prestashop>advancedeucompliance_12345...some_code'] = 'Select a payment option first.';

pace it in you language file and translate it.

This is the reason why it wouldn't show in the Localization > Translations

Unfortunately this is the general problem with nearly all modules and this is how you solve the problem.

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