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Downgrade from to possible?


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We have a site already completed in PS but our server has problems with memory limit set to 128M (MASTER VALUE not Local Value) We have set the local value in .htacces to 512M but the Master value is still 128M which locks all our modules.


We have also deleted and unninstaled all unnesasery modules but still.


Is there a way to downgrade this site so it would work the same without problems in It is a very small site with around 7 products.


For upgrading the Master Value we would have to pay the upgade on our server, so it is not really an option ...


I know will work because we have another store set on the same server without problems.



Thank you in advance



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If you used the 1-click module for to upgrade, you can downgrade/rollback at same module. The only thing what is, is that all new data added to database between the upgrade and today will be lost.


The best way is to search for a new hoster or if you are longtime customer at your actual hoster to negotiate price for upgrade package...

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If you used the 1-click module for to upgrade, you can downgrade/rollback at same module. The only thing what is, is that all new data added to database between the upgrade and today will be lost.


The best way is to search for a new hoster or if you are longtime customer at your actual hoster to negotiate price for upgrade package...

no upgrades were made, it was a fresh a install, so not really sure what to do here. I tried with my hoster but they wan't us to upgrade.


To bad :(


Thank you


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In this case not possible. You should or look for another webspace or negotiate price for upgrade on hosting package. If server is well configured 128M should be not really a problem... BUT in this case your server must work with large RAM of 32GB for ex. Not my preference server configuration, but it is possible with low memory_limits. I don't know if your provider ar working on that base...


Best is to look for another webspace, which fits Prestashop min. requirements.

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