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[SOLVED]Tricky, allready invoice made when product is not on stock and the payment is bank wire

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Hi guys,

my shop runs quit good :-)
but I found a small problem when you only use a bank wire.

The problem is, if you have a product that is NOT on stock, the client order this article, then after he submit his order there is immediately an invoice number taken.

Problem is :
when a client orders a product that is on stock, then the invoice will only be generated when the payment has arrived and if I check this status to : payment received.

When a client orders a product that is not on stock, then he get's a email that the product is not on stock, and the invoice is allready made even if he didn't payed.
So the problem is, if someone gets an email with : this product is not on stock, and he does not the payment, I lose one invoice number. My accountant can not change that, I can in my db, but that's not the way to do it :-)

any way to check this problem and maybe a workaround?

I found out that in the admin you can set for every status some options.
one option was the make invoice yes/no with that status.

thanks in advance.

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