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File system cache and module override problem

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Hi everyone,


I'm having a strange problem. I have overriden the blocktopmenu module to change the structure the menu appears.


Everything is working absolutely great. But the moment that I turn on the cache and set it to File System, then the override loads for desktop version but when I change to mobile version, it isn't loaded and I even can't seem to be sure that the original class is being loaded as well (I'm trying to "echo" a string and I don't see it). AND this happens the opposite as well! If I clean the cache and load the mobile version first, then it loads correctly but the desktop version doesn't load.


AND if I change the type of cache to "mySQL" then it works correctly for both (as if the cache wasn't turned on at all). mySQL cache is much slower so I don't want to use it...


It seems like values of certain variables (that check if it's a mobile version or not)  are being saved in the cache and so the system doesn't check for mobile or not... 


Any ideas?!?

Edited by roroPrestashop (see edit history)
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