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Upgrading Prestashop

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Hi everyone,

I dunno whether its a right place to ask my question.Everytime after installation i will be adding the currency,language and products manually.By default during installation,,(default) products will be installed.I need to change the default products + currency + langauge during the intial steps of installation.How it can be done?any Ideas and suggestions ?Advance thanks,

With Reagards,

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If you are upgrading your site, you don't need to re-enter all your products and settings. You can just select the "Upgrade" option on the installer.

If you want to modify the installer with your own default currencies, languages and products, you can do this by editing install/sql/db_settings_lite.sql. Change the first two rows of the INSERT INTO `PREFIX_configuration` section to change the default language and currency. Change the INSERT INTO `PREFIX_lang` section to change the languages that are installed by default. You'll need to change the flags in img/l to match the IDs. Change the INSERT INTO `PREFIX_currency`section to change the currencies that are installed by default. The products are in install/sql/db_settings_extends.sql. Change the INSERT INTO `PREFIX_product` section to change the products that are installed by default. You'll need to change the images in img/p to match the IDs.

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