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How to manage a custom table related to orders?

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Hi all,

I'd like to add a custom table related to an order: ps_order_mydata.


The entry of this table should be created during the order generation phase with fixed data.

When the order is generated  I should edit the data of this table with a view from the administration console.


Is there a standard way to do this?


Thank you very much



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You should create a module which would:

- create your db table

- hook into "actionValidateOrder" and "displayAdminOrder"


for "actionValidateOrder" you'll have $params['order'] with an order object so you have everything you need. "displayAdminOrder" is for displaying your datas in back-office while editing specific order, you have access to id_order by "Tools::getValue('id_order')" so you can based on that.

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