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[SOLVED] Limit free shipping to specific states

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Hi Everyone!


I'm running into a problem. I have a site that has free shipping for orders above $100, but I need to limit this only to specific states (the 48 contiguous states, minus Hawaii and Alaska). 

How do I go about doing this? 

From other posts in the forum, I tried to create a new zone (or country), but then I can't have a state be associated to multiple zones, so that won't work. 

Maybe this can only be done inside the code?? 


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Edited by roroPrestashop (see edit history)
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I can't have a state be associated to multiple zones


Why do you need the state to be multiple zones?


You just create a zone and assign the state/s to that zone, create a new shipping carrier to use for that zone. It is a 5 minute job. Unless you are not explaining fully what you actually need, that should work for you.

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Thanks Bill,


Yeah, that was what I was thinking, but then California (for instance) will only be associated with the new zone that I create and not the normal "North America" zone. Won't that create other problems with the shipping/addresses/localization? If someone has an order that they need to pay for shipping (less than $100), then California won't be associated to the original group anymore. Am I right?

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The state is still assigned to a country, USA, that dosen't change, but the zone for a state can be changed. This allows you to setup different shipping and tax options. In your case you will also need to create a new carrier. Or you can by a Free shipping Module that has more free shipping options.

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OK, so I would actually have the setup like this:


- The 48 contiguous states in a new zone called US48

- The other 2 would remain in the default North America zone

- Shipping->preferences: So I should set a value of 0 for "Free shipping starts at" (which disables it)

- Shipping->Carriers: add a new carrier specifically for free shipping and for zone US48 with a minimum of $100
Does that seem right?
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Also, you don't use the free shipping thing that is standard in PS. If you want a good free shipping control buy what I use http://addons.prestashop.com/en/8895-free-delivery-manager.html?pab=1&


To have free shipping with different zones, and not buy a module, you must setup up the separate carrier for the zone and control free shipping by setting up the rates to be zero when the dollar amount is met. For example in your carrier you will create 0 to 50 at one price and you can set 50.01 to 100.00 another higher price and 100.01 to whatever for $0.00.




In your carrier for zones that don't have fee shipping, don't put $0.00

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So I tried and it seems to be working but because I had to create another carrier, now there are two different options to choose from (free or paid) and the free shipping doesn't default in the shopping cart like it did before. So I guess I may have to use a module.

I was hoping that maybe the UPS shipping module (which does the calculation of the cost) would have this option as well... 

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Bill, could this module http://addons.prestashop.com/en/8707-free-shipping-by-zone-carrier-price-and-weight.html?pab=1& do what I want? 

Will it bypass the built-in "free shipping from" value and work as it has been (but taking into account the 2 different zones)? Because I want to avoid showing multiple carriers. There is only one carrier and I want it to calculate the shipping to be either free for the 48 states if above $100 or charge the appropriate rate calculated by the UPS module. 

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First of all, only one carrier shows, not both. So that isn't an issue.


If you buy the module, you still need to create new zone. The module allows you to pick the zone or carrier and allows you to have multiple free shipping zones with different pricing for each. It also allows tax or no tax to be included in the free shipping amount.

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I have two carriers enabled now - one with the setup of having from $100-$10000 range at 0 only for the 48 states zone. The other carrier, which is configured through the UPS module (but appears as a normal carrier) is setup for both zones (north america and the us48). So I get two different carrier options from a California adress (free and for a price) and for a Hawaiian address, it says that I don't have any options available.... hmmm. 


(yes, I'm working on a dev server and not the live one!) :)

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But I need to do that - from what I understand. I need one zone to always calculate a shipping cost, regardless of total price and the other zone to get a shipping cost for under $100 and free for above $100. 


I suspect something is buggy or conflicting with the UPS module.... I'm suddenly getting parse errors when trying to change values... argh, frustrating! 


BTW - thanks for your patience to help me out

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Maybe I should just get that free shipping module which I assume will override the UPS module (meaning, it will first check for eligibility for free shipping, based on zones and if not, then calculate the rates through UPS as usual).


Even now, trying to go back to the original (but keeping zones) isn't bringing expected results. I have both zones selected and when I change to a hawaiian address, it's telling me that there is no available carrier. (pulling my hair out)

Edited by roroPrestashop (see edit history)
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Yeah I know, that's what I've been doing, but I now I'm back to square one - from California, I'm getting two carriers for over $100 - one free and 1 with a cost. This is because I can't set separate ranges for separate zones inside one carrier and I can't create another carrier that will work through the UPS module to calculate shipping... 

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So I installed this module: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/8707-free-shipping-by-zone-carrier-price-and-weight.html?pab=1& and it's working as expected now. 

The conclusion is, is that I couldn't add ranges to the same carrier because the shipping prices need to remain 0 for the UPS module to calculate correctly. 

Anyways, it works now with the new module.

Thanks for your help Bill!

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