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Grid view instead of list view

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In search of Shopping software i see some Oscommerce programs all those programs had a feature to change the looks of the article shown in a grid view instead of a list .
Searching to the forum of Prestashop i noticed that there is a lot written about it but no real solution.
I find that strange is it so difficult to make such a module.
I walk into this problem with selling bulbs i have not enough of 1 page i need more much more. so for the custumors it is a long walk trough al the pages to find a special product.
So it looks better tha 4 x5 grid with smaller pictures and only a name is much nicer to face then a lonh list an again and agai.
Hope that someone can create such a module now further ith evaluating

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PrestaShop doesn't have any hooks on the product listings page, so you can't create a module you can simply install. You'd have to modify PrestaShop to add a hook on the product listings page. It is easiest to just to modify global.css to display products in a grid.

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Actually ie9 (and probably earlier therefore) gives an issue, it doesn't like

height="{$homeSize.height}" width="{$homeSize.width}"

in the image tags (I assume because these are not defined so sets to 0?). Will not show images unless you remove these......


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well thank you very much, but now it is working,before I cut too much...

I put here what it worked for me...

<!-- MODULE Home Featured Products -->

{if isset($products) AND $products}

{assign var='liHeight' value=360}
{assign var='nbItemsPerLine' value=4}
{assign var='nbLi' value=$products|@count}
{assign var='nbLines' value=$nbLi/$nbItemsPerLine|ceil}
{assign var='ulHeight' value=$nbLines*$liHeight}


{l s='No featured products' mod='homefeatured'}


<!-- /MODULE Home Featured Products -->

Before, I deleted second line...

And now I did not.

Now it is working

Thank you, thank rocky, and this forum¡¡¡

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  • 1 month later...

You must have done something wrong. It worked fine when I did it with the PrestaShop Alternative theme for Evicinhersey. I'll attach the product-list.tpl file in case it helps, though I have modified the format of the products compared to the default theme.

hi rocky, i have download ur file and replace with mine, but the result 1 item in each row, and no add to cart button display pls find the attachment pic as the result show.


pls help for it, any thing i need to change on the coding?

thanks alot


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  • 2 weeks later...

You must have done something wrong. It worked fine when I did it with the PrestaShop Alternative theme for Evicinhersey. I'll attach the product-list.tpl file in case it helps, though I have modified the format of the products compared to the default theme.

hi rocky, i have download ur file and replace with mine, but the result 1 item in each row, and no add to cart button display pls find the attachment pic as the result show.


pls help for it, any thing i need to change on the coding?

thanks alot

any body can help?

still look for the solution


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