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Radio button text clickable ?


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Hello I have a product with a lot of declination and in the end you can choose between Glossy and Matte i have setup this with radio button, all work good but on mobile it's hard to click on the button radio so i need your help .


Does it possible to make the text Glossy or Matte clickable too ?


Thanks you very much





Edited by klor (see edit history)
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Just need put it inside a label, in the code of the default theme in PS, in the file:


You can find this code:

{elseif ($group.group_type == 'radio')}
		{foreach from=$group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute}
				<input type="radio" class="attribute_radio" name="{$groupName|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" value="{$id_attribute}" {if ($group.default == $id_attribute)} checked="checked"{/if} />

Just replace it for this below:

{elseif ($group.group_type == 'radio')}
		{foreach from=$group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute}
					<input type="radio" class="attribute_radio" name="{$groupName|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" value="{$id_attribute}" {if ($group.default == $id_attribute)} checked="checked"{/if} />
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Just need put it inside a label, in the code of the default theme in PS, you can find this code:

{elseif ($group.group_type == 'radio')}
		{foreach from=$group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute}
				<input type="radio" class="attribute_radio" name="{$groupName|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" value="{$id_attribute}" {if ($group.default == $id_attribute)} checked="checked"{/if} />

Just replace it for this below:

{elseif ($group.group_type == 'radio')}
		{foreach from=$group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute}
					<input type="radio" class="attribute_radio" name="{$groupName|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" value="{$id_attribute}" {if ($group.default == $id_attribute)} checked="checked"{/if} />

What files it is please ? thanks you very much :)

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