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Carrier disappeared after changing logo


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Hi everyone,


I have an issue in

When you add an carrier there is an standard logo of a truck

After making the whole list i was ready to change logo's into carrier logo's

I did so with one of them and after checking in my shop how it looked like the carrier disappeared.


How can i get this carrier back in my shipping list ( front office )

I used the same size pic as the standard truck ( 40x40 px ) not bigger then 8MB



The carrier list in the backoffice also has 1 issue.

When adding a carrier it will get an ID let say 1

After making a change to it it wil get number 2 and number 1 is not visible in backoffice anymore but you can acces it if you change the URL ID to 1 instead of 2

Is this issue already known by Prestashop?


Kind regards,


Edited by DGRL (see edit history)
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No i use the prestashop carrier tab in the backoffice

And where can i reset the ID number

Coz i have a total of 53 carriers i work with but the current ID is 152 at the moment

If i keep chaning i will end up with an ID numbe into 1000

Edited by DGRL (see edit history)
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