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How to change top right menu url


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here is my problem, thanks for helping in advance.


the origninal website name is xxx.com/aaa

aaa works as a sub domain? and all files are under root/aaa


so now I migrate the website to xxx.com instead of xxx.com/aaa, the aaa thing is no longer used, most things work fine.


but the menu<things like "my acoount", "company about us", "log in">on the up right corner like "about us" still links to xxx.com/aaa/index.php?id_cms=6&controller=cms

and it leads to an error 404


but when i delete the aa manually, xxx.com/index.php?id_cms=6&controller=cms , the page works fine

I am totally new on this and I am trying to debug this.


Please help me!

Edited by sye1993 (see edit history)
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