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Live Chat HTML script per language

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I want to use a live chat software in my multi language prestashop webshop (1.6). 

Per language there is a chat widget with its corresponding html code, which I need to place inside the body tag of the webshop.


This is the code I placed in my header.tpl



(function() {
 var hostname, insertScript, widget_com, widget_nl;
 widget_nl = "bb3dbbbf230546b";
 widget_com = "dc818cfdfb5376e";
 insertScript = function(id) {
 var src;
 src = "//s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/userlike-cdn-widgets/" + id + ".js";
 return document.write('\x3Cscript type="text/javascript" src="' + src + '">\x3C/script>');
 hostname = document.location.hostname;
 if (hostname.match(/\.com$/)) {
 return insertScript(widget_com);
 } else {
 return insertScript(widget_nl);
However I can only make one language widget work for both language in my webshop. 
I don't know much about html and such, so can someone pleas help me?
kind regards,
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So there's different script code for each language? You can use code like the following:
{if $cookie->id_lang == 1}
Put script code for language 1 here
{elseif $cookie->id_lang == 2}
Put script code for language 2 here

 Add as many {elseif} statements as needed.

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So there's different script code for each language? You can use code like the following:
{if $cookie->id_lang == 1}
Put script code for language 1 here
{elseif $cookie->id_lang == 2}
Put script code for language 2 here

 Add as many {elseif} statements as needed.




Hey Rocky,


It is working.

Thanks for the help! 

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