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How to create a separate login page and auto login into the shop after successful login?

Markus H.

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at first, I'm not very experienced with PHP and web development, but I got the task to develop a separate login page for Prestashop.


We want to protect our internal company shop from accidentally call by other visitors. We work with a customer base that is already available in the shop database, so no new registration is necessary.


The idea is to establish a login page before the shop, in which the customers signing in with their shop login and -in case of success- they are automatically routed to the shop. The customer then have to be automatically logged into the shop, so he do not have to log in twice.


I have already found a few PHP scripts for a login pages, but there are two problems:


1) The information that I find to encrypt the customer passwords in Prestashop, seem to be incorrect. If I take a wel known password and encrypt it via md5 (_COOKIE_KEY _. $ Password), then the result does not match with the hash value in the table "customers.passwd".


2) If problem No. 1 will be solved, then I do not know how to automatically log in a customer into the shop.


I would be very grateful if someone can help me with a few examples or informations.


Thank you.


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1. If it happens, most likely your COOKIE_KEY has changed. There is no secret here expect for what you already know about its algorithm.

2. Try this free module. This allows administration log into a customer account at front-office.

See how the developer forces to log in. Then, you solve the problem.




Hope that helps!


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