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remove VAT for European customers


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The built in "European VAT number" module allows customers to enter their VAT number at checkout. VAT is then not charged. So no need to reclaim. There is no obligation to refund VAT after a sale. Customers would use their own accounting systems in their own country to reclaim

We have this in an FAQ:



  • For EU customers, we charge VAT at the current UK rate. EU businesses with a valid EU VAT registration number can enter that number in their account address, VAT will then NOT be charged. Enter the VAT number when you add your address. YOU MUST ADD YOUR COMPANY NAME FIRST to see the VAT box
  • No VAT is charged for the rest of the world


Please note that the price you see initially may include the VAT tax. This is because the website cannot know your location and tax situation until you log in and add your address. The VAT will be amended to the correct price following the above rules during the checkout process - before you need to commit so you still get the opportunity to cancel. 




Unfortunately, once you have made the purchase and paid, we are not able to replay the VAT element.

You should be able to reclaim the VAT through your normal accounting procedures.

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What about the fields SIRET and APE? What is it for? Could it be hidden? It confuses our customers.


I am not sure what they are - my guess is that they are company registration numbers used in some countries. I think they are only viewable if you have B2B Mode enabled. (preferences > Customers)

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