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Re-doing a shop from scratch..


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I am having trouble with setting up a local version of a shop I am managing. This is a shop that has been managed by some IT people and they were doing a marginal job so the owner decided to try something new. That is where I come in. I have no experience in PrestaShop but am eager to learn.

I have an open post about the troubles I am having setting up the local development environment and it is causing headache. Specially since the problems I am having are being reported in the live version as well. So the other day I wondered if re-doing the whole shop would be a viable option. That is what this post is for. 



So my plan is to install a new instance of the PrestaShop onto my local machine. Import the minimal amount of data into the sql server. Install the minimum amount of modules (preferably non to begin with). And then take it from there. Sounds easy :)

Is there anything I am missing? Is it a harder task than I assume it is? 


The goal of this: 

I am new to PrestaShop. I would like to get my hands dirty with everything involved in starting a PrestaShop and maintaining it.

The website is currently pretty unstable and there are some complaints from customers about that. I would like to fix that.


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You're doing well installing a new one instead of repairing a damaged one.
You cand find for sure modules that allows you to import data from a prestashop to another. (If you dont, i cant sent you a module that i did for myself).
As you said, try to import as less as you can. Just prestashop data, dont import the configuration of the shop or module's configurations.
Edited by Gabriel Perez (see edit history)
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Few tips from me.


Remember to always have PS_MODE_DEV enabled for your develop environment.


In config/defines.inc.php

define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

If you have any whitepage errors (even after setting above to true), check apache error logs (in UNIX its in /var/log/apache2/error.log).


Also please make sure that cache is disabled and always recompile template files in BackOffice > Advanced Parameters > Performance


Any crucial modifications should be done with overrides: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Overriding+default+behaviors


Have a look at whole documentation, specially developers section.


Good luck!

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Instability is usually in modules or themes. So be careful that you not - by installing the same modules and theme - import the same problems. With every module and theme check that it has been tested for the Prestashop version that you use.


I created a little script that enables you to just copying the business data and not the configuration data to a new shop. It assumes some programming knowledge but then can be very useful. See


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You're doing well installing a new one instead of repairing a damaged one.
You cand find for sure modules that allows you to import data from a prestashop to another. (If you dont, i cant sent you a module that i did for myself).
As you said, try to import as less as you can. Just prestashop data, dont import the configuration of the shop or module's configurations.



Hi. That is good news. I already started on importing data from my old store to the new one by using musicmaster's method from post #4. If you could send me your module then that would be awesome as I would like to try it out as well. 


electriz, thanks for the tips. Appreciate it. 




I created a little script that enables you to just copying the business data and not the configuration data to a new shop. It assumes some programming knowledge but then can be very useful. See


Thanks for the link. I am trying to use your method now. It is a bit more complicated than I had hoped for but I am till giving it a go.

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Non of these scripts are working for me :(


I have got all of the individual tables from the shop in .sql files. I can import them one at a time if that is what it takes but I do not know which ones I should import and which ones I should not.
This link: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Fundamentals+of+PrestaShop+Development has the overview of the database. It is pretty overwhelming. But I guess for example that I should import all of the tables in the Customer part because I would like to keep the customers from the website intact. I also want the products so I should probably import all of the tables in the Product part.

In fact here is an exhaustive list of all the parts, a description of it, and whether I should import it to my new shop or not. Maybe someone can help me with the details of the different parts:


1. Stock

This keeps information about the available stock in the shop. I should import this since I want to preserve that data.


2. Customer

All the data about the customers that have made an account in the shop.  I should import this since I want to preserve that data.


3. Product

All the data about the products that are being sold in the shop.  I should import this since I want to preserve that data.


4. Prices & taxes

Closely related to the product part. Information about the price of individual products and tax information.  I should import this since I want to preserve that data.


5. Warehouse

The different warehouses for the shop? I should import this since I want to preserve that data.


6. Module

Information about different modules that are installed in the shop.  I should NOT import this since I am starting from scratch and one of them might be the culprit.


7. Order

All of the orders that have been made are kept here.  I should import this since I want to preserve that data.


8. Base tables

No idea what this is. Should I keep?


9. Employee

Information about the different employees in the shop.  I should import this since I want to preserve that data.


10. Supplier

The different suppliers for the shop?  I should import this since I want to preserve that data.


11. Carrier

Not sure what this is. Should I keep it?


12. Cart

The current cart for the specific customer. I do not think I need to keep this one.


13. Stats

Statistics. I think I will leave this out for now. 


14. New layer (dark green)

No idea what this is. Should I keep?


15. New layer (grass green)

No idea what this is. Should I keep?


16. Scene

No idea what this is. Should I keep?


17. Solo tables

No idea what this is. Should I keep?


18. Configuration

Not sure what kind of configuration is kept here. Should I keep it?


19. Meta
Not sure what this is. Should I keep?

20. Web service

I can create the web services again. Yes, they will have different keys but whatever.


21. Theme

Definitely NOT keeping this since it is one of the things that might be causing the problems.


22. Manufacturer

Information about the manufacturers.   I should import this since I want to preserve that data.




1-5, 7, 9, 10, 22



6, 20, 21, 



8, 11-19


What do you guys think?



After I have imported the ones I want to keep I am wondering what will be missing. The products will be missing the images for example. What more?

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