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Ieri am schimbat logo-urile la facturi in translate si azi mi-a aparut 8 Erori


  • A mail directory exists for the "ro" language, but not for the default language (en) in /themes/default-bootstrap/mails
  • A mail directory exists for the "ro" language, but not for the default language (en) in /themes/default-bootstrap/modules/blocknewsletter/mails
  • A mail directory exists for the "ro" language, but not for the default language (en) in /themes/default-bootstrap/modules/blockwishlist/mails
  • A mail directory exists for the "ro" language, but not for the default language (en) in /themes/default-bootstrap/modules/followup/mails
  • A mail directory exists for the "ro" language, but not for the default language (en) in /themes/default-bootstrap/modules/mailalerts/mails
  • A mail directory exists for the "ro" language, but not for the default language (en) in /themes/default-bootstrap/modules/ph_simpleblog/mails
  • A mail directory exists for the "ro" language, but not for the default language (en) in /themes/default-bootstrap/modules/referralprogram/mails
  • A mail directory exists for the "ro" language, but not for the default language (en) in /themes/default-bootstrap/modules/sendtoafriend/mails

Comenzile i-mi intra mailurile se trimit, dar nu stiu ce e cu eroarea asta tin sa precizez ca siteul e in RO


Edited by petrixstar (see edit history)
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