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"Customer loyalty and rewards" change coupon code expiry date

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By default this module, when converting the points into a coupon code, create a coupon from the date of the last order made (with valid points) and valid for 12 month.


That would be possible to use as start date the date when the point's are converted, so making the coupong always valid for 12 month from when the point's were converted?

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open file: modules/loyalty/controllers/front/default.php


there is a code:

$cart_rule->date_to = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($cart_rule->date_from.' +1 year'));

to change the exipiry date change '+1 year' to any other value, for example:

"+1 year 1 day"
"+2 year 1 week"
"+1 year 1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds"
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But in that way I only change the expiry date right, but the starting date will remain the same right?


What I'm trying to achieve it's to change the starting date, because actually the point practically expire after one year, also if not used.

This it's a bit confusing for the user because when generating a coupon the coupon as an expiry date of 1 year starting from the date of the laset order.


Look some exaple here:

- Customer made only one order 2 years ago: the user it's always able to convert points... He convert them, the coupon it's generated, but it's instantly hidded because the expiry date it's passed;

- The same customer that made this order, make a new order, now when he create a coupon, the coupon generate it's generate using the old points, plus the new point's of the last order and as starting date it will be used the last order date. So if an user have 10000 expired points, making a new order that give him 1 point, allow him to generate a coupon of 10001 points. Also if the old point's it's expired.


So at this point for me it's best to doesn't set an expiry date for the points (useless because it can be bypassed) and set only an expiry date for the coupon, starting from the day the customer converted it's points.


Hope it is clear.

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