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Delete spam messages Prestashop 1.6


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Our shop was spammed by some Chinese spam bot (messages from qq.com) via the contact form. I managed to stop it by deleting the specific contact it was sent to.


But in the last 3 days more than 130.000 messages were sent and I need to delete them. Prestashop allows only a view with 1000 messages to delete at once. It's cost me hours...


Does somebody know how to delete all messages at once? You would really help me a lot.

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I you are familiar in PHP you can make script - something like:

$id_customer_thread = SELECT id_customer_thread FROM ps_customer_thread WHERE email LIKE '%qq.com';


DELETE FROM ps_customer_message where id_customer_thread = ".$id_customer_thread."

DELETE FROM ps_customer_thread where id_customer_thread = ".$id_customer_thread."

This script is not complete.

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If you only delete in database, it should not resolve your problem 100%. What is after deleting the spam emails, then tomorrow it should back again?


I think you should do two things:

1. In contact form: You should add a captcha option to avoid spam.

2. Delete all the old spam message.

You can use this SQL command to delete all of them: 

DELETE FROM ps_customer_thread WHERE email LIKE '%qq.com';


becareful if your db have another prefix, you should replace "ps_" to your prefix.



Hope this help!

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