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error during making payment, validation page error


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hi in my website when i tried to pake payment ... error is showing in the ccavenue validation page

can u help me pls


This is the error showing



Table 'mangalya_pres749.bzccpg_apibzcc' doesn't exist

select * from bzccpg_apibzcc where pgmodule_version = '2.0' and cms = 'Prestashop' ORDER BY a_id DESC LIMIT 1
at line 791 in file classes/db/Db.php


786. if ($webservice_call && $errno) {
787. $dbg = debug_backtrace();
788. WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '
 '.$this->getMsgError().'. From '.(isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '').'->'.$dbg[3]['function'].'() Query was : '.$sql, 97);
789. } elseif (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS')) {
790. if ($sql) {
791. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError().'<br /><br /><pre>'.$sql.'</pre>');
792. }
794. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError());
795. }
796. }


Edited by jethin (see edit history)
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the module is trying to query data from a table in the database that does not exist.  Can't really say more than that, other than the module is either defective, or you deleted the table for some reason


I suppose you should reach out to the module author for support

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  • 6 months later...

If this issue still un-solved, here is the solution!


CCAvenue Payment Plugin will work if you are hosted at linux server & cURL & mcrypt are enabled there

During its installation, if cURL & mcrypt are not enabled, then CCAvenue db table could not get created automatically your main db. thats the only little problem.

To get above information or to enable the above said, please contact your server admin/ Host to enable that for you.


Good Luck!

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