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european vat number v1.8.2 - by prestashop


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I have a question about this module.

When enabled this module removes tax from eu clients when entering a valid VAT number.

now i want to know how to exclude an EU country from this rule.

For example

1. Spain is in the EU but i have to charge Spanish companies who has a valid Tax number with  X% Tax.

2. when entering for example an france Vat number but country spain it will continu anyway.


Is there a way to exclude a specific country from this rule?

And is there a way to check if the given VAT number is from the country you register with?


Hope to hear from someone soon

Kind regards,

Edited by DGRL (see edit history)
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Anyone who want to explain?

Seems like you can add a condition in modules/vatnumber/VATNumberTaxManager.php, function:


public static function isAvailableForThisAddress(Address $address)
return (!empty($address->vat_number)
&& $address->id_country != Configuration::get('VATNUMBER_COUNTRY')
&& $address->id_country != "SE")
&& Configuration::get('VATNUMBER_MANAGEMENT')
Maybe you have to replace "SE" with "Spain" or an id from the database.
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