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Upload Limits?


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Ok I have read a lot of posts about this. 


Trying to upload a new theme to my Shop and I keep getting the Upload limmit is 8MB.


I have changed this in both my php.ini file and also in the Adminisrtation>Preferences in the BO to 100MB


So where is this limit coming from, and why is the not more detailed information in the error message.



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Ok I have read a lot of posts about this. 


Trying to upload a new theme to my Shop and I keep getting the Upload limmit is 8MB.


I have changed this in both my php.ini file and also in the Adminisrtation>Preferences in the BO to 100MB


So where is this limit coming from, and why is the not more detailed information in the error message.




in phpinfo() you see your new values of maximum upload size / maximum post size?

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