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How I could show Retail & Specific prices in all product views?

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I guess it's displaying the specific price only, right now, correct?
The original should be $product.price_without_reduction, it's actually supposed to display by default. I take it as you are using a custom theme? The file is product-list.tpl

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Well... Ten hours of reading Prestashop forums and I see only that could be done by editing product.tpl, product-list.tpl etc.

Pity, I also noticed that it could be done in the Magento shop engine by simple clicking on a pair of settings in an administration panel.

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As mentioned above, you have to use those two variables. I never said instead of, just put the $product.price_without_reduction variable underneath $product.price


But I want price WITH reduction!!! With specific reduction, which set up in the submenu titled "Specific price" in prices menu.





Show it to everyone.


Regardless of which group of the visitor.

Regardless of what he is now discounts.

Regardless of what his retail price at the moment.

Edited by Antarr (see edit history)
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I confirm what I said once more. By default the price WITH reduction displays alone with the price WITHOUT.
$product.price IS the price without reduction. In the default template. If yours is not, it's a template issue.

Otherwise get rid of that group if it's a specific one you assigned. It will never be available to everyone if you don;t

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Time after time you say the obvious things that do not interest me. Because they are in the side of the matter under discussion.


By default the price WITH reduction displays alone with the price WITHOUT.



Yes. I know it. So what??

We look like a man who came to the doctor to remove a carious tooth, but doctor time after time persistently offers to cut the kidney.



Otherwise get rid of that group if it's a specific one you assigned. It will never be available to everyone if you don;t



Did you ever read what I really need and uderstand it? Why I need follow what do you want instead of what I'm want?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well. If I would show just a text string in the product views with some information, I just could only add it to the short description!

Guess, masters of Prestashop should be ashamed. He-he.



Simple quick and elegant solution.


Ehe.  :lol:  B)

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