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Redirect to a new domain does not work

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I have old domain OLD.COM and recently bought a new one - NEW.COM which now should be the main name of the site while old name OLD.COM should be the alias with redirection to the main site.


there's Apache configuration^

        ServerName OLD.COM
        ServerAlias www.OLD.COM
        Redirect permanent / https://NEW.COM/

        ServerName NEW.COM
        ServerAlias www.NEW.COM
        Redirect permanent / https://NEW.COM/

        ServerName NEW.COM
        ServerAlias OLD.COM www.OLD.COM www.NEW.COM
        DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/data/ftp/www/old.com

I'm trying to add theese lines to a top of my .htaccess file:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.|)OLD\.COM$ [OR,NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://NEW.COM/$1 [R=301,L]

but got error:


Too many redirects...



What could be the problem?


I changes domain name in the settings (SEO & URL).

I'm not moving any files nowhere.

All files remain the same in the same place - on the old server in the old directory.

I'm just adding new domain (new name of the site) as a main domain while old domain remains the alias.


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