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SSL logo

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The only thing you need to do is go to the Preferences tab and change "Enable SSL" to "Yes" to get SSL working. You can edit the payment images in your theme's img directory or edit modules/blockpaymentlogo/blockpaymentlogo.tpl to add an SSL image to the payment logo block. You could also edit modules/blockvariouslinks/blockvariouslinks.tpl and add the image there if you want it in the footer.

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Thanks for the reply. I am trying to edit the blockvariouslinks.tpl but I am having difficulty

I need to add this Google snippet but when i do the image does not appear and when you click on it the user is not directed to another page

Can you send me a sample code, so i can get an idea of how to do it?



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You'll need to change blockvariouslinks.tpl into a

instead of a
  • if you need to put a
in the footer. For example:

<!-- MODULE Block various links -->

{l s='Specials' mod='blockvariouslinks'}
{l s='New products' mod='blockvariouslinks'}
{l s='Top sellers' mod='blockvariouslinks'}
{l s='Contact us' mod='blockvariouslinks'}
       {foreach from=$cmslinks item=cmslink}
{l s='Powered by' mod='blockvariouslinks'} PrestaShop™

<!-- /MODULE Block various links -->

Then change the following line in the /* Footer */ section of global.css:

#footer .block_various_links { list-style: none }


#footer .block_various_links ul { list-style: none }

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Sorry I have done everything added the snippet code which is in html at the bottom just like your example and changed the global .css but there is no difference.

Maybe i inputted the code wrong into blok various links.tpl

I have sent you a private message of the coding. Please have a look at it.

Thank you

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  • 7 months later...

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