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[Solved] tools/smarty....cache problem

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Hi All,
I need help!!! I tried to turn on the cache by editing some php files inside tools/smarty directory. After the editing, when I click on one item on my store front it will show a different item instead, same thing applied to the categories. It seems like the cache stuck there and couldn't renew itself.
Anyway, I tried to undone it all by replacing the whole tools/smarty directory from the original PS install file.... but the problem did not solve. Someone please help!! Thanks!


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I putted the file into the same directory and checked it again. I'm not an expert so did not know what exactly to look at but I basically turned all the cache and compile to false. Then I deleted all files from cache and compile directory. It made new cache but didn't solve the problem.


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  • 10 months later...
y prestashop site to display an old 'view' of a page, because the new, actual version/content/settings of the page seems to be ignored.

I look everywhere in the forum, on the web...I cannot find a solution to this problem too.
I read also about smarty cache ( totally new for me ) and cannot find my way as the new v 1.4 does not have a lot of updated information.
I posted twice a topic about tpl not updating.
I am just trying to modfy the blockcms file.tpl. I copied the all blockcms folder into my new theme to override the PS native one.
The modification worked the first time, but any further one does not refresh in the browser.
I am totally lost.
Does anybody has a solution ?

SOLVED today : SEE here
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