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waiting payment with bank status bug

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If a customer pay with bank transfer the order status go in status " waiting bank payment" and the mail of the bank payment will not be post to the customer.


The mail arrive to customer only if in the order page is settet that status, not if that status is getted by default by the purchase.


So the customer don't recive in automatic the details with the bank payment after the purchase.


How is possible to resolve that issue ?



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Swift Error: There was a problem reading line 1 of an SMTP response. The response so far was:[]. It appears the connection has died without saying goodbye to us! Too many emails in one go perhaps? (fsockopen: #0)

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It seems that your server is limiting the sending of email, maybe you reached the limit by minute, second, I dont know, each hosting provider have your own policies. Maybe you can try to configure a Gmail account on Mail settings, search on Google how to achieve this in PrestaShop.

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