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Reference is not displayed with Combinations

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Hi all,


I have realized something weird on my webpage.


When I look at product details on a product, there is a "reference" and "condition" section.


If it is ever a single product without combinations, reference is displayed like in the following




If it is a combination, reference is not displayed at all like in the following




I would be very greateful if you could help me on this,




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In this scenario this is not the case. Reference is set in combinations and It used to work before.


I can verify that all has a reference so in my case where do I need to check in order to solve it?

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There is a possibility that your theme is not compatible with your current version of PrestaShop, you can test this by changing to default theme and clear the cache, if this works correctly with the default theme, you will have the reply to your question.

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It is default-bootstrap version 1.0 with the version of


so in this case it is not the problem which causes it. I try to narrow down the possibilities.


Moreover, Reference codes were shown before even with combinations. All of a sudden it stopped showing it.


What I have done might have caused it so I try to explained in the following.


Firstly, I added a line based on my customer to product.tpl just above reference code showing manufacturer name but even though I replaced it with original product.tpl file, the result was the same. In this scenario, It is not the case I think.

		<div class="pb-center-column col-xs-12 col-sm-4">
			{if $product->online_only}
				<p class="online_only">{l s='Online only'}</p>
			<h1 itemprop="name">{$product->name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</h1>
				<label>{l s='Manufacturer:'} </label>
				<span itemprop="manufacturer_name">{$product->manufacturer_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</span>
			<p id="product_reference"{if empty($product->reference) || !$product->reference} style="display: none;"{/if}>
				<label>{l s='Reference:'} </label>
				<span class="editable" itemprop="sku"{if !empty($product->reference) && $product->reference} content="{$product->reference}"{/if}>{if !isset($groups)}{$product->reference|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}</span>

Secondly, Under Catalog -> Product Attributes link, I used to create lots of attributes. Later I realized there were also lots of duplicates records. Therefore, manually I tried to make it correct. For example under "Height" there were duplicate of 10.7 cm record. Do you think it might cause not to show reference code for combinations products.


Because as I told you before, a product without combinations displays reference code only not with combinations.


I hope that you could give me an ideon on this




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