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why prestashop keep data in mysql database


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hi all

how are you ?!!

in prstashop for example if i delete a product or carrier the data still in muysql

even if i create a new product it skip the id for delteted one

for example

if i delete prodcut 1 with id 1

and create anew product with name product 2 it take id 2 even if there is no id 1 because i have deleted

please some one explain to me this behavior and how to clean database for all un wanted informations

thank you

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You don't clean it up and it won't slow your database down. 


The reason it is not deleted is for legacy information. Say you have a product id 1 and a carrier id 5. If there was an order placed using that product and carrier, PrestaShop would need to be able to access them still so in the order screen you would know what was order and which carrier it shipped via. This is to also let your customers see what their past orders and shipping methods were as well. 

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