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NEW way to handle Order Return and Reclaim


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I haven noticed there is no easy or good way to handle returns and reclaims in Prestashop.

My question is how do you guys handle returns and reclaims? Any good module or how?


Prestashop have the default 'Merchandise Returns', but it has many problems.

Another thing is that its impossible to make return/reclaim from admin, only customer can do it.

If we need to send 1 new product och replacement part to customer, but there is no option to add that in the current order and you need to make new order manually.


We need a new way to handle returns, reclaims and sending new products/parts to customers. Any ideas?


Thank you!

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Prestashop have RMA but the RMA have no option to return on behalf of customer

This extension has the facility.


Hope it fulfills your requirement.


Thank you for the response! I have Prestashop 1.5.3 so that will not work.

I tested the demo and it seemed more complicated to be honest, and found no option to send replacement product or anything.

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