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Upgrading My Shop From 1.4 to Latest Version!

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I have a long existing shop and it is still in V1.4. I want to upgrade it to the latest version of Prestashop. Could anyone give me advise what is the best way to do the upgrading in my case? I have lots of products and sales records in my shop and I don't want to lost them. And also, the version 1.7 is coming soon and should I wait for 1.7 for just go ahead with 1.6?


My shop is here https://www.lovestation.com.au. If someone could help me with this upgrading, I am willing to pay some money (but not too much!  :( ).


Thank you all!

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If you wait for 1.7, you won't be able to upgrade in any case.
As for the current one, you can't upgrade everything. You can try from 1.4 to 1.5 first, with the autoupgrader, (actually 1.4, which subversion?)
Then from 1.5 to 1.6 once you see everything is okay.

But you will not be able to lose your theme, and likely not even modules.

As for 1.7, I would really forget about it, it's better to start a new shop since you have 1.4 now.

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The auto upgrade module has become pretty stable and mature, and I have used it to upgrade many stores from PS v1.4.  As Nemo has said, your theme will not work, and most likely you have third party modules that will need upgrades or replacements. 


But if you disable non-ps modules and overrides during the upgrade, then the upgrade "should" work, and then you can install a new theme, and locate/update your modules.


WARNING... Do not attempt an upgrade on your live store.  Be sure to make a copy of your store first, and then test the upgrade process on your test store.  If you cannot create a test copy of your store, or properly upgrade the test copy, then you should not attempt to upgrade your live store. 

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Please first make a 'copy' of your production shop to test upgrade scenarios.  Part of this process you will need to idnentify 1) any core changes that need to be carried foward 2) your 3rd party modules,  and their upgrades for 1.6 3) your theme wiil need to be upgraded, unless of course you are using default theme, but even then you will have changes to make....


so build 1) running copy of your production shop 2) create backup of this so you can easily restore as needed.....3) see 1)

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Thank you so much NemoPS and bellini13. This is a great pain. Not sure what to do. Any other suggestion? Thanks 

I believe we gave you suggestions already?  If you are looking to hire someone, you can place a job post in the Job Offers forum.  You can also contact me and I can provide you an estimate.  I'm sure Fred (El Patron) would provide you with an estimate if you visit visit the link in his signature.


You said you are willing to pay, but "not too much".  Everyone has different opinion of what "too much" is, I would not consider an upgrade from PS v1.4 to be "cheap"

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there is little point to upgrade if you  don't also get a kick ass theme.....lol  all we do is upgrades with new theme but if you make copy of your shop to play with...then you will know if you are comfortable with process.....but I would 'not' upgrade without a high quality new theme....they are so much more advanced that what was available in 1.4....best of luck!  Let us know how you get along.....

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  • 1 month later...

I'm in the same situation.  Our site is on and we'd like to upgrade.  Is it possible to just start with a new template in 1.6 or 1.7 and then manually convert the customers, orders, products, shipping plans?  Are there any scripts available to do that?


Auto Upgrade path works well for many.


To really know your upgrade path begin by building a dev copy of your shop you can work with.  This is most important step.  Back this up so you can restore for different upgrade runs.


Then after practice runs including updating your 3rd party modules and installing compliant theme....you will have a good approach and be successful.


Happy PrestaShopping

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Thanks for your response.  We have built a dev copy several time and we've tried the autoupdate, but it fails each time. We purchased some add ons early in our prestashop experience and we believe these are the culprit - they made core changes.  I believe that Importing or starting over is our only option.  Which is best?  (I don't really like the idea of starting over)

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Honestly?  I see this all the time and it sort of makes me cry.  A shop manager should focus on catalog and growing sales.  When they then put on their webmaster hat(s) they lose time, passion and are not promoting their core business.


So what are they to do?


Hire a group that does this every single day. :)

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Hello fellow geeks, So I successfully did the migration from 1.4.6 to 1.6.7 and everything went smooth. The best way to do it was to fully backup the website, uploaded into our server and upgrade to the prestashop module and voilá. We migrated our 700+ products and 600+ customers into the new shop but I can't seem to be able to migrate the product info and short description. Has anyone faced this issue? And if so, how to solve it?


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So I tried to run a query on the db in order to restore all product descriptions (short and long) but ended up with lots of errors. The old shop is still live so we could take product by product and copy/paste into the new shop but that's a lot of work. Has anyone encountered a similar situation or solution?


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  • 1 month later...

Hopefully this will help someone else.  I think some of our installed modules related to customers and products prevented us from the autoupgrade because they made database changes that were not performed correctly.  In the end, we installed 1.6 fresh and purchased a Migration module to move products, taxes, customers, orders etc to the new upgrade.  We did it once in the test environment so that we could test and prepare the new site.  Then just before we went live, we updated the customers and orders only.  All told, it went fairly well. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm just testing on my local pc the version 1.6.10. 

I manual upgraded the version 1.4 and after some problem everithing seems to work properly.


welcome to 1.6, I migrated my module shop 1462 to 1609...then I think now 1617...if I could only have a decent tinymce again I'd be happy...lol


most upgrades fail (when not core change or poor hosting)...is db is to large, if you drop the 3 ps_connections tables....and make sure there is no big db bloat...upgrades go 'much' smoother with optimized db structure.


I started in ps @ps1462 days, yea sliding product to cart..but I was living abroad and really keyed in on 'by country' catalog.  


Welcome to 1.6 folks...lot's of great themes, that include all the modules you need to build kick butt front office....incredible the leap it is from 1.4, (no .js bottom).  


Have fun...do upgrades on copies, find kick butt theme...learn how to use it....test test test...successful shops are organic, not like a bonsai tree, and are labor of loves.

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I've 250 mb MySQL dump and 1.2GB images. 

The process to convert the image in a structure take 4 time run 

Cleaning the chache and so on .

Every upgrade is not 1 click and go so be carefull before go live repeat the steps and test a lot

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