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[SOLVED] Set up a new shop 1.2.5 or 1.3....?

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It depends on when you want to take it live...

It's never a good idea to use anything but a stable version on a live site.

V1.3 should be stable in the next few weeks (estimate), so it may be a good idea to set up a development server with 1.3 (RC4), and when the stabe version is out, get that and migrate the data over.

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Ok Thanks!

I have developed this beautiful page(easy to say) in Oscommerse and realized that the system is old and well functional - anyway i have come to the knowledge that Presta is far more superior when it comes to BO... the pity is that the system is so ready that it is time to put in the products..so here we go again.. implanting fancy box to all my prints and more...:)

well i stick to the 1.2.5 (where can you get templates) - and do the migration when it fits - thanks again!


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