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automatically generated thumbs with crop

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I want to change a little bit auto-thumbnail generator - instead of adding white margin, i want to crop them.

when we have e.g. 600x400px picture, first it changes into a square 600x600 and than resizes. I want to make it center crop to 400x400 (cut 100px from both sides) and than resize. This should work for every thumbnails except thickbox.

Any ideas?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice design!

I think I understand now. So you want to crop the image so that it fills the whole square?

You'll need to mess around with the code in images.inc.php. I think you might be able to get it to resize by height instead of width or vice versa, which may give you what you want. I can't think of the code to do it off-hand though. I can only find these posts here and here.

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thanks ;) this shop i based on Wallcraft skin http://photosalgerie.free.fr/wallcraft/
but totally modified and not finished yet.

i thought just like you said, about switching width&height;, but i want to do this for every thumbs except thickbox - it should present whole picture in fact.
If anyone have any idea, i would be nice :) i`ll try to change images.inc.php a little bit.

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but how should we cope with a thickbox enlargement?
i did


getImageLink($cover.id_image)}" {if $jqZoomEnabled}class="jqzoom" alt="{$link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $cover.id_image, 'thickbox')}"{else} title="{$product->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="{$product->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" {/if} id="bigpic"/>

but there is still a zooming problem :/


go to themes/xxx/js/product.js


function displayImage(domAAroundImgThumb)
   if (domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href'))
       var newSrc = domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href').replace('thickbox','large');

and change into e.g.

function displayImage(domAAroundImgThumb)
   if (domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href'))
       var newSrc = domAAroundImgThumb.attr('href').replace('w600','w300-h300-c1:1');

in product.tpl thumbnails should look like:

good luck ! ;)

there is an error in form, it eats my code part. below you've got missing part (delete spacebars)

< a h r e f =" { $base_dir } mini/w600/img/p{$link->getImageLink($imageIds)}" rel="other-views" class="{if !$jqZoomEnabled}thickbox{/if} {if $smarty.foreach.thumbnails.first}shown{/if}" title="{$image.legend|htmlspecialchars}">


getImageLink($imageIds)}" rel="other-views" class="{if !$jqZoomEnabled}thickbox{/if} {if $smarty.foreach.thumbnails.first}shown{/if}" title="{$image.legend|htmlspecialchars}">

getImageLink($imageIds)}" alt="{$image.legend|htmlspecialchars}"/>

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