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[Core module modified] Loyalty customers 1.2.9

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Hi all,


I'm using PS bootstrap standard theme.


I modified some database tables and some modules to create a maximum amount variable in AdminCartRules.


This modify I made...works. Works well, for example, on Follow-up customer module 1.7.0 and many other non standard core modules I modified.


The problem is that I modified standard loyalty module, setting 1000,00 eur maximum amount at the conversion and creation of the loyalty voucher, but it set amount to 0 and not 1000 or what I would.


I post the modified file. Something doesn't work.... :-(


loyalty.php and loyalty-program.php are in root loyalty module directory

default.php is in loyalty/controllers


mysql table requested from maximum amount items strings was added in database (for other modules modified works)






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