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Modify dropdown menus in mobile (responsive) website version


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Hello PrestaShop community,


I have set out to modify my mobile website version of the default-bootstrap theme.


What I am trying to do today is to change the action that occurs upon tapping on the "Product" sub-category in block_top_menu.


Please refer to the screenshots below for more clarity:


1. This is how my website menu of sub-categories looks like:



2. When you tap on the plus (+) sign next to Products the dropdown menu expands like that:



3. However, if you tap anywhere else not on the plus (+) sign then the the Products page executes the href command and loads the product page:



I want to modify the dropdown menu so that wherever you tap on that Product bar the dropdown menu will expand.


I will really appreciate all advice and suggestions on how to produce this effect! Thank you in advance.


Kind regards,



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