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Language Translation - image swap

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I am doing a PrestaShop that have images with English texts on it.

I have already added System translation packs.

Is there a function / way where the images will change when a specific language is selected?

There are image with English texts in them and they need to be rotated out when another language is selected.
I am not thinking of changing the actual language on the image, but changing the image itself with a new translated text.

Here is an example:

On the homepage I have this image "advertising-a-eng.jpg" (see attachment )
when language french is selected, this image needs to swap with the same image with french on it, "advertising-a-fr.jpg"
make sense?

Can anyone help me on this please! Thank you for your time...


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  • 1 month later...

Needed the same functionality implemented into a store I'm working on and came across this thread:


Here's an example:

{if $cookie->id_lang == 1}




id_lang == 1

to the number of the language you want to use which can be found in the back end under Tools > Languages.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This is the code i was looking for alos but i need to implement it so the image swaps for more than 2 langs.

I have 4 langs set up on my site and need to change the image to the relevant lang.

Any help would be appreciated.


You don't need to use an if...

You can use the iso code when calling the image file location.

So say you have 4 images,
image-en.jpg, image-fr.jpg, image-es.jpg, image-tr.jpg

Just use

Works for me!

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