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How to make "about-us" support multi-language?

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Hi there,
I'd like to know how to make the info block (about-us, delivery, conditions...) support multi language.
Now what I know is to modify the files:
But that affect for all language (all language are same)
How to make them different for different language?

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You can do this by modifying the file about-us.php (root folder)

you need to modify the line:


rename the template file from : about-us.tpl
to the language your want to support
and also add another file for the other language.
for instance:
about-us_en.tpl (for english)
about-us_fr.tpl (for french)

I hope this is helpful.

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Forgive my sillyness!!!
below is the correct post:

You can do this by modifying the required file like about-us.php (root folder)

you need to modify and add some code:

$iso = Language::getIsoById($cookie->id_lang);


rename the template file from : about-us.tpl
to the language you want to support.
and also add another file for the other language.
for instance:
about-us_en.tpl (for english)
about-us_fr.tpl (for french)

I hope this is correct now.... again sorry I keep forgetting things...

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The best way I can suggest is to write your text in a html editor, then get the source (html) and paste into your .tpl file.
there are plenty free online editors, one of them is FCKeditor.
You can also do in Dreamweaver if you got one.
Or if you have some html knowledge just add

tags into your text.

First para....

second para....

Hope this is helpful.

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